How to sale property in higher price?

How to sale property in higher price?

How to sale property in higher price?

The real estate market has been facing a decline in demand for almost half a decade now. This reality, surpassed by the spread of COVID-19, left sellers desperate for the desired prices. Nevertheless, if such sellers hire a few hacks and use this time in a creative way, they will be able to negotiate efficiently and receive better prices from the selling of their property. A few steps, such as repairing and sprucing up the property, may increase its resale value.

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Let the notification spread

The world should learn about the aspect when a property is up for sale. In order to spread the notification rapidly, the seller can consider contacting his/her friends, family members and individuals from his/her neighbourhood. Often, individuals who are aware of your notification can tell their relatives to consider buying the property. The more individuals they meet, the lower the processing time, of a property getting sold.

Spruce the property up

A well-maintained property usually gets buyers' attention much faster than a shoddily-kept property. If a seller wishes to place a property on sale, he/she must also suggest adding a fresh coat of paint inside the apartment or on the outside. This should add a touch of freshness and boost the prospective buyer's overall property-surveying experience.

Obtain transparency

Documents representing the chain of ownership of the same are of great significance when a property is put up for sale. When a buyer approaches, he must be confident of having a straightforward title as well as non-ambiguity about ownership over the property concerned.

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Listing on Real Estate Portal

If the seller chooses to place a property on sale, online classifieds and property listing portals must be used by the seller. On most of the online property listing portals, the seller will post free advertising.

In times of online networking and increased technology usage, online listings are extremely helpful in growing the number of property inquiries generated.

Get the most out of social media

The first point of contact for enquiries in the event of a housing need is social media and Google search. This is particularly so during the ongoing time when homebuyers remain mostly indoors and perform some research on desired properties depending on the internet. You should spread the notification through WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media platforms.

For urgent repairs, pay attention

Basic furniture such as curtains, air conditioners, modular kitchens and gas connections attract homebuyers and add to a residential unit's overall 'ask' price. It would help a great deal to provide these facilities to improve the value of your property. Get it replaced or restored if the previous owner has left the property with damaged furniture.

Get in contact with an existing broker

Brokers are mediators on the negotiation table that put a buyer and a seller together. Generally, they charge 1-2% brokerage from both sides. The broker will help you find the kind of buyers you are looking for, crack your property's best price, and check all the documentation you need.

Be Flexible

If a seller has agreed to put a property on sale, the prices and options of potential buyers must be flexible. The seller must sit with an open mind on the negotiating table and not become too fixated on the value of the property in the event that the agreement turns negative due to small figures. If, without attached furniture, the buyer wants to buy the house, make way for it. The seller must also decide on a threshold price minima, below which, it would not be possible to sell the property.


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Sanitization of space

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused everyone to become all the more conscious of health and hygiene. You need to ensure that the premises are properly sanitised prior to a physical visit. You may also deliver two free post-purchase sanitisation drives to present sanitisation as a complementary free service.

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